Doctor Juice
The best chitchats happen within earshot of a beeping heart monitor.
A Dying Pumpjack
This novel is absolutely not a meditation on memory and grief.
Your Thighs Are Generous
Welcome to Chapter 50, I hope something noteworthy happens in this one.
The Strangle Snare
Don’t insult someone’s hometown unless you’ve got time to hear its apocryphal origin story.
Untainted by Syphilis
Sometimes there’s just no point in figuring out your weird horny feelings.
An Ugly Rumpus
One of those mornings when everything inside your body wants to come outside.
Esther Something
Some bars leach the daylight from your mortal soul, which can be nice.
The Depth Charge
Work stories tend to be more interesting when accompanied by morning cocktails.
Everybody’s Real Sorry
Now you, Dear Reader, are all caught up and know as much as I do.
A Pool of Milk
I mean, aren’t we all imprisoned by the thing we’re paid to produce?